Services Relationship Acknowledgement
Advantage Personnel´s primary goal is to be an exceptional supplier of temporary staffing solutions. Any relationship that is established with a prospective candidate by Advantage Personnel is subject to the terms of this Services Relationship Acknowledgement.
As such, by endorsing this document confirms that I understand, acknowledge, and agree to the following terms and conditions for any future employment arrangement that may or may not arise with Advantage Personnel:
(a) I understand, acknowledge and agree that assignments provided by Advantage Personnel are of a temporary nature, and as such will have a definitive term and end date, which may or may not be known to Advantage Personnel at the time of offer of the position. Should Advantage Personnel have this information at the time of job offer, I will be notified in all instances of the approximate time period of assignments. Such notification will be considered notification of end of my job term will serve as notice under the Employment Standards Act, 2000 end and I will not be entitled to any further notice of termination pursuant to contract, statute (including by not limited to Employment Standards Act, 2000) and the common law.
(b) I understand, acknowledge and agree that if I am unavailable for assignment for 2 calendar weeks in succession, notwithstanding any leave provisions as per ESA, I will be deemed to have abandoned my employment and/or there will be just cause for my termination of my employment and I will not be entitled to any notice of termination, nor pay in lieu of such notice, and severance pay (if applicable) pursuant to contract statute (including but not limited to the Employment Standards Act, 2000) and the common law.
(c) I understand, acknowledge and agree that in the event that I have not been assigned to perform work for a client for 2 weeks, notwithstanding any leave provisions as per ESA, I am required to contact Advantage Personnel in writing to advise them of this prolonged period of non-assignment. Failing to do so will be deemed to have abandoned my employment and/or there will be just cause for termination of my employment and I will not be entitled to any notice of termination, nor pay in lieu of such notice, and severance pay (if applicable) pursuant to contract, statute (including but not limited to the Employment Standards Act, 2000) and the common law.
(d) I understand, acknowledge and agree that my employment may be terminated at any time, without cause, in which case Advantage Personnel shall only be required to provide the minimum notice of termination and/or pay in lieu thereof, and severance pay (if applicable), as required pursuant to the Employment Standards Act, 2000.
(e) I understand, acknowledge and agree that if I fail to contact Advantage Personnel by 2:00pm on the Monday of every week to confirm my availability, I will be deemed to have been unavailable for work for that week for the purposes of the Employment Standards Act, 2000.
(f) I understand, acknowledge and agree that the nature of any employment relationship with Advantage Personnel being that all assignments are casual in nature, and may end at any time which may or may not be dependent on the business requirements of any and all clients of Advantage Personnel.
(g) I understand acknowledge and agree that, although I may complete a candidate information form and request for employment consideration, I have not commenced employment. I further acknowledge and agree that the agency has not yet attempted to assign me to a client and that it will contact me when such an attempt is about to be made. Once I am assigned, my employment with the agency will commence only at this time.
(h) I understand, acknowledge and agree that when an assignment is offered to me, I will be provided with the name of the agency, the contact information, as well as the name of the client I am being assigned to, their contact information, as well as my wage rate, benefits (if applicable), hours of work, pay period, estimated term of the assignment (if applicable), and a general description of the work. This information will be provided verbally at the time it is initially provided, and in writing as soon as practical thereafter. If I don´t receive this information within a reasonable time, I will contact my local office to request a copy of this information.
(i) I understand, acknowledge and agree that my relationship with Advantage Personnel is bound entirely and solely on the rules and stipulations of the Employment Standards Act, 2000
(j) I understand, acknowledge and agree that assignments provided by Advantage Personnel are short term assignments, with no guarantee being provided by Advantage Personnel to the length and term of the assignment.